Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 7:7-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. (8) So let the Adat l'Umim surround Thee; and over it return Thou on high [to judge].

8. (9) Hashem shall judge the people; judge me, Hashem, according to my tzedek, and according to mine integrity that is in me.

9. (10) Oh let the wickedness of the resha'im come to an end; but make the tzaddik secure; for the Elohim Tzaddik trieth the minds and hearts.

10. (11) My mogen (shield) is Elohim, Moshi'a of the upright in heart.

11. (12) Elohim is a Shofet Tzaddik, and El expresses wrath kol yom.

12. (13) If He relent not, He will sharpen His cherev; He hath bent His keshet (bow) and made it ready.

13. (14) He hath also prepared for Him the instruments of mavet; He ordaineth His flaming khitzim (arrows).

14. (15) Hinei, he [an evil person] travaileth with iniquity, and hath conceived trouble, and brought forth falsehood.

15. (16) He makes a pit, and digs it, and is fallen into the shachat (pit) which he made.