Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 68:5-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. (6) Avi yetomim (father of orphans), and a dayan (judge) of almanot (widows), is Elohim in His Ma'on Kodesh.

6. (7) Elohim setteth the yechidim (alone ones) in a family; He bringeth out those which are asirim (prisoners, those bound with chains); but the sorerim (rebels) dwell in a dry land.

7. (8) O Elohim, when Thou wentest forth before Thy people, when Thou didst march through the wilderness; Selah;

8. (9) Eretz shook, Shomayim also poured rain at the presence of Elohim; even Sinai itself was moved at the presence of Elohim, Elohei Yisroel.

9. (10) Thou, O Elohim, didst send a plentiful geshem (rain), whereby Thou didst restore Thine nachalah, when it was parched.

10. (11) Thy congregation hath dwelt therein; Thou, O Elohim, hast prepared of Thy bounty for the oni.

11. (12) Adonoi gave the word; rav (great) was the tzava (company, army) of the mevaserot (heralds, those that published it, the lady evangelists).

12. (13) Melachim of tzeva'ot (armies) shall flee, they flee; and she that tarried at home shall divide the plunder.

13. (14) Though ye have lain among the cooking pots, yet shall ye be as the wings of a yonah covered with kesef, and her feathers with glistening gold.

14. (15) When Shaddai scattered melachim therein, it was white as snow in Tzalmon.