Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 59:4-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. They run and prepare themselves without my avon (wrong, fault); awake to help me, and see.

5. Thou therefore, Hashem Elohim Tzva'os, Elohei Yisroel, rouse Thyself to visit [in punishment] kol HaGoyim; be not merciful to any bogedei aven (wicked boged [traitor]). Selah.

6. They return at erev; they growl like a kelev (dog), and prowl around the Ir.

7. Hinei, they belch out with their mouth; charavot (swords) are in their sfatot (lips); for who, say they, doth hear?

8. But Thou, Hashem, shalt laugh at them; Thou shalt have all the Goyim in derision.

9. O my Strength, I will be shomer to watch for Thee; for Elohim is my stronghold.

10. The G-d of my chesed shall come to meet me; Elohim shall let me see [the end] of my shorer (watchers, [i.e., slandering foes insidiously fixated on me and lying in wait]).

11. Slay them not, lest my people forget; scatter them by Thy power; and bring them down, Adonoi mogineinu (our Shield).

12. For the chattat of their mouth and the davar of their sfatayim let them even be caught in their ga'on (pride); and for the cursing and lying which they speak.

13. Consume them in chemah (wrath), consume them, till they are no more; and let them know that Elohim ruleth in Ya'akov unto the ends of ha'aretz. Selah.