Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 119:87-103 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

87. They had almost consumed me ba'aretz; but I forsook not Thy pikkudim.

88. Revive me after Thy chesed; so shall I be shomer over the edut of Thy mouth.

89. Forever, Hashem, Thy Davar is settled and stands firm in Shomayim.

90. Thy emunah (faithfulness) is to all generations: Thou hast established eretz, and it stands enduring.

91. They continue enduring to this day according to Thine mishpatim: for all things are Thy avadim.

92. Unless Thy torah had been my delight, I should then have perished in mine oni.

93. I will never forget Thy pikkudim: for with them Thou hast revived me.

94. I am Thine, save me: for I have sought out Thy pikkudim.

95. The resha'im have waited for me to destroy me: but I will think on Thy edot.

96. I have seen an end of all perfection: but Thy mitzvah is boundless.

97. O how I love Thy torah! It is my meditation kol hayom.

98. Thou through Thy mitzvot hast made me wiser than mine enemies: for they are ever with me.

99. I have more understanding than every melamed of mine: for Thy edot are my meditation.

100. I understand more than the zekenim, for I keep Thy pikkudim.

101. I have refrained my feet from every orakh rah, in order that I might be shomer over Thy Devar.

102. I have not departed from Thy mishpatim: for Thou hast taught me.

103. How sweet are Thy words unto my palate! Sweeter than devash to my mouth!