Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 118:10-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

10. All Goyim surrounded me; but in the Shem Hashem will I cut them off.

11. They surrounded me; yes, they compassed me about; but in the Shem Hashem I will cut them off.

12. They compassed me about like devorim (bees); they are extinguished like the eish of kotzim (thorns); for in the Shem Hashem I will cut them off.

13. Thou hast hard pushed at me that I fell; but Hashem helped me.

14. Hashem is my oz (strength) and zimrah (song), and He is become my Yeshuah (salvation).

15. The voice of rejoicing and Yeshuah (salvation) is in the ohalim of the tzaddikim; the Yamin Hashem doeth valiantly.