Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 109:14-30 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. Let the avon of his avot be remembered before Hashem; and let not the chattat immo be blotted out.

15. Let them be before Hashem tamid, that He may cut off the memory of them from ha'aretz.

16. Because he remembered not to show chesed, but persecuted the ish oni and the evyon, that he might even slay the nikheh levav (brokenhearted person).

17. As he loved kelalah (cursing), so it came on him; as he delighted not in berakhah (blessing), so it was far from him.

18. As he clothed himself with kelalah as with his garment, so let it come into his inward parts like mayim, and like shemen into his atzmot.

19. Let it be unto him like a beged which covereth him, and for a belt wherewith he is girded tamid (continually).

20. This is the reward of mine adversaries from Hashem, and of them that speak rah against my nefesh.

21. But Thou O Hashem Adonoi, do with me for the sake of Thy Name; because Thy chesed is tov, deliver Thou me.

22. For I am oni and evyon, and my lev is wounded within me.

23. I am gone like a lengthening tzel (shadow); I am shaken off like the arbeh.

24. My knees are weak from a tzom; and my basar faileth of fatness.

25. I became also a cherpah (reproach) unto them; when they looked upon me, they shaked their heads.

26. Help me, O Hashem Elohai; O hoshi'eini (save me) according to Thy chesed;

27. That they may know that this is Thy Yad; that Thou, Hashem, hast done it.

28. Let them make kelalah (curse), but do Thou make berakhah; when they arise, let them be ashamed; but let Thy eved rejoice.

29. Let mine adversaries be clothed with shame, and let them cover themselves with their own shame, as with a me'il (cloak).

30. I will greatly praise Hashem with my mouth; and, I will praise Him among the multitude.