Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 106:35-40 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

35. But they mingled with the Goyim, and learned their ma'asim (works, customs).

36. And they served their atzabim (idols); which were a mokesh (snare) unto them.

37. And, they sacrificed their banim and their banot unto shedim (demons),

38. And they shed dahm naki (innocent blood), even the dahm of their banim and of their banot, whom they sacrificed unto the atzabei Kena'an (idols of Canaan); and HaAretz was polluted with blood-guilt.

39. Thus they made themselves tameh with their own ma'asim, and went awhoring with their own inventions.

40. Therefore was the wrath of Hashem kindled against His people, insomuch that He abhorred His own nachalah.