Orthodox Jewish Bible

Tehillim 105:17-34 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. He sent an ish before them, even Yosef, who was sold as an eved (slave);

18. Whose regel they hurt with the kevel (shackle); his nefesh was laid in barzel;

19. Until the time that his dvar (prophecy, word) came to pass; the Imrat Hashem (revelation, word of G-d, i.e., revelation of that which set forth saving promises) had tested him.

20. The Melech sent and released him, the Moshel Amim, and set him free.

21. He made him adon of his bais, and moshel of all his possessions;

22. To bind [in prison] his sarim (princes) at his pleasure; and teach his zekenim chochmah.

23. Yisroel also came into Mitzrayim; thus Ya'akov sojourned in Eretz Cham.

24. And He increased Amo (His people) greatly; and made them stronger than their enemies.

25. He turned their lev to hate Amo, to deal cunningly with His avadim.

26. He sent Moshe His Eved; and Aharon whom He had chosen.

27. They showed His Otot (signs) among them, and mofetim (wonders) in Eretz Cham.

28. He sent choshech, and made it dark; and they rebelled not against His Devar.

29. He turned their mayim into dahm, and made their dag (fish) die.

30. Their land brought forth tzfarde'im (frogs) in abundance, even in the chadarim (rooms) of their melachim.

31. He spoke, and there came arov (flies), and kinim (lice) in all their territory.

32. He gave them barad (hail) for geshem (rain), and eish of lightning in their land.

33. He struck down their gefen also and their te'enah (fig tree); and broke the trees of their territory.

34. He spoke, and the arbeh (locusts) came, and grasshoppers, and that without number,