Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shofetim 5:6-15 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. In the days of Shamgar ben Anat, in the days of Yael, the roads were abandoned, and the travellers walked the byways.

7. The warrior ceased, they ceased in Yisroel, until I, Devorah, arose, I Em B'Yisroel arose.

8. They chose elohim chadashim when war was at the she'arim (gates); was there a mogen or spear to be seen among forty thousand in Yisroel?

9. My lev is toward the ones ruling in Yisroel, that offered themselves willingly among the people. Barachu Hashem.

10. Reflect, ye that ride on white donkeys, ye that sit on saddle blankets, and walk on the derech.

11. The voice of the singers in the place of drawing mayim, there shall they rehearse the Tzidkot Hashem, even the Tzidkot of His warriors in Yisroel; then shall HaAm Hashem go down to the she'arim.

12. Awake, awake, Devorah; awake, awake, break out in song; arise, Barak, and lead captive thy captives, thou ben Avinoam.

13. Then came down a sarid (remnant) to the nobles; the people of Hashem came down to me as gibborim.

14. Out of Ephrayim was their shoresh against Amalek; after thee, Binyamin, among thy people; out of Machir came down mekhokekim (law givers), and out of Zevulun they that hold the shevet of the sofer (scribe).

15. And the sarim of Yissakhar were with Devorah; Yissakhar was with Barak; he rushed at his feet into the emek. Among the divisions of Reuven there were gedolim chikkei lev (great searchings, indecisions of heart).