Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shofetim 19:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And it came to pass in those days, when there was no melech in Yisroel, that there was a certain Levi sojourning in the remote har Ephrayim country, who took to him a pilegesh out of Beit-Lechem Yehudah.

2. And his pilegesh played the zonah against him, and went away from him unto her bais av to Beit-Lechem Yehudah, and was there four whole months.

3. And her ish arose, and went after her, to speak unto her lev, and to bring her back, having his na'ar (servant) with him, and a couple of donkeys; and she brought him into her bais av; and when the avi hana'arah saw him, he had simcha to welcome him.

4. And his khoten (father-inlaw), the avi hana'arah, held him fast; and he abode with him shloshet yamim; so they did eat and drink, and lodged there.

5. And it came to pass on the fourth day, when they arose early in the boker, that he rose up to depart; the avi hana'arah said unto his choson (sonin-law), Refresh thine lev with a morsel of lechem, and afterward go your way.