Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shofetim 18:25-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

25. And the Bnei Dan said unto him, Let not thy voice be heard among us, lest angry anashim run upon thee, and thou lose thy nefesh, with the nefesh of thy household.

26. And the Bnei Dan went their way; and when Mikhah saw that they were chazakim, too strong for him, he turned and went back unto his bais [T.N. By now we are seeing the point of the story, which is how Dan became infected with apostate religion; see their omission Rev chp 7].

27. And they took the things which Mikhah had made, and the kohen which he had, and came unto Layish unto a people that were peaceful and unsuspecting and they struck them with the edge of the cherev, and burnt the ir with eish.

28. And there was no matzil (deliverer, rescuer), because it was far from Tzidon, and they had no tie with adam (any man); and it was in the valley that lieth near Beit-Rechov. And they built an ir, and dwelt therein.

29. And they called the shem of the Ir Dan, after the shem of Dan their av, who was born unto Yisroel; howbeit the shem of the Ir was Layish previously.

30. And the Bnei Dan set up the pesel; and Y'honatan ben Gershom ben Menasheh, he and his banim were kohanim to the shevet haDani until the yom Golus HaAretz [722 B.C.E.].

31. During all the time that the Bais HaElohim was in Shiloh they set up for them pesel Mikhah, which he made.