Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shofetim 18:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. In those days there was no melech in Yisroel; and in those days the shevet (tribe) of the Dani sought them a nachalah to dwell in; for unto that day none had fallen for him [Dan] among the Shivtei Yisroel.

2. And the Bnei Dan sent of their mishpakhat five anashim out of their whole number, anashim, Bnei Chayil, from Tzorah, and from Eshta'ol, to spy out the land, and to explore it; and they said unto them, Go, explore the land; and when they came to har Ephrayim, to the bais Mikhay'hu, they lodged there.

3. When they were at the bais Mikhah, they recognized the voice of the na'ar the Levi; so they turned in there, and said unto him, Who brought thee here? And what doth thou in this place? And what is thy business here?

4. And he said unto them, Thus and thus dealeth Mikhah with me, and hath hired me, and I am his kohen.

5. And they said unto him, Ask counsel of Elohim, that we may have da'as of whether our derech shall succeed.

6. And the kohen said unto them, Go in shalom; your derech wherein ye go is nokhach Hashem (straight in the sight of Hashem).

7. Then the five anashim departed, and came to Layish, and saw the people that were therein, how they dwelt careless, after the mishpat of the Tzidonim, quiet and unsuspecting; and there was no one in authority in the land, that might put them to shame for anything; but they were far from the Tzidonim, and had no ties with adam.

8. And they returned unto their achim to Tzorah and Eshta'ol; and their achim said unto them, Mah atem (What do you [report]?)