Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shofetim 13:8-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

8. Then Manoach prayed entreating Hashem, and said, O Adonoi, let the Ish HaElohim which thou didst send come again unto us, and teach us what we must do unto the na'ar that shall be born.

9. And HaElohim paid heed to the kol Manoach; and the Malach HaElohim came again unto the isha as she sat in the sadeh; but Manoach her ish was not with her.

10. And the isha made haste, and ran, and told her ish, and said unto him, Hinei, the ish hath appeared unto me, that came unto me the other day.

11. And Manoach arose, and went after his isha, and came to the ish, and said unto him, Art thou the ish that didst speak unto the isha? And he said, I am.

12. And Manoach said, Now let thy devar come to pass. How shall be the mishpat hana'ar (proper treatment of the child), and his ma'aseh (work, [life's] work)?

13. And the Malach Hashem said unto Manoach, Of all that I said unto the isha let her be shomer (beware, guard, keep watch over).

14. She may not eat of any thing that cometh of the gefen, neither let her drink yayin or shekhar, nor eat any tumah; all that I commanded her let her be shomer to do.

15. And Manoach said unto the Malach Hashem, Now, let us detain thee, until we shall have made ready a young goat for thee.

16. And the Malach Hashem said unto Manoach, Though thou detain me, I will not eat of thy lechem; and if thou wilt offer an olah (burnt offering), thou must offer it unto Hashem. For Manoach knew not that he was Malach Hashem.

17. And Manoach said unto Malach Hashem, Mi shmehchah? That when thy devar come to pass we may do thee honor?

18. And the Malach Hashem said unto him, Why askest thou thus after my shem, seeing it is FELI (supremely wonderful [see Isa 9:5(6); Ex 15:11])?

19. So Manoach took a young goat with a minchah, and offered it upon the tzur unto Hashem; and wonderously did He act; and Manoach and his wife looked on.