Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shmuel Bais 9:3-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. And HaMelech said, Is there not yet any of the Bais Sha'ul, that I may show the chesed Elohim unto him? And Tziva said unto HaMelech, Yonatan hath yet a ben, which is nakheh (crippled, lame) raglayim (both feet).

4. And HaMelech said unto him, Eifoh hu (where is he)? And Tziva said unto HaMelech, Hinei, he is in the Bais Machir Ben Ammiel, in Lo-Devar.

5. Then HaMelech Dovid sent, and had him brought out of the Bais Machir Ben Ammiel, from Lo-Devar.

6. Now when Mephivoshet Ben Yonatan Ben Sha'ul, was come unto Dovid, he fell on his face, and prostated himself. And Dovid said, Mephivoshet. And he answered, Hinei, thy eved!