Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shmuel Bais 24:11-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. For when Dovid rose up in the boker, the Devar Hashem came unto Gad HaNavi, the Chozeh Dovid (Seer of Dovid), saying,

12. Go, say unto Dovid, Thus saith Hashem, I offer thee shalosh (three, three things); choose for thee one of them, that I may do it unto thee.

13. So Gad came to Dovid, and told him, and said unto him, Shall shalosh [see 1Chr 21:12, Hebrew here says sheva] shanim of ra'av (famine) come unto thee in thy land? Or wilt thou flee shloshah chodashim before thine enemies, while they pursue thee? Or that there be shloshet yamim dever (three days of pestilence) in thy land? Now consider, and see what answer I shall return to Him that sent me.

14. And Dovid said unto Gad, I am in a great tzar (distress); let us fall now into the Yad Hashem; for His rachamim are rabbim: and let me not fall into the yad adam.

15. So Hashem sent a dever (pestilence) upon Yisroel from the boker even to the es mo'ed (time appointed); and there died of HaAm from Dan even to Beer Sheva shiv'im elef ish.

16. And when the Malach stretched out his yad upon Yerushalayim to destroy her, Hashem relented from the destruction, and said to the Malach that destroyed HaAm, It is enough; restrain now thine yad. And the Malach Hashem was by the goren of Aravnah the Yevusi.

17. And Dovid spoke unto Hashem when he saw the Malach that struck HaAm, and said, Hineh, I have sinned, and I have transgressed; but these tzon, what have they done? Let Thine yad be against me, and against Bais Avi [Isa 53:6].

18. And Gad came that day to Dovid, and said unto him, Go up, erect a Mizbe'ach unto Hashem in the goren of Aravnah the Yevusi.

19. And Dovid, according to the Devar Gad, went up as Hashem commanded.

20. And Aravnah looked, and saw HaMelech and his avadim coming on toward him; and Aravnah went out, and prostrated himself before HaMelech on his face upon the ground.

21. And Aravnah said, Why is adoni HaMelech come to his eved? And Dovid said, To buy the goren of thee, to build a Mizbe'ach unto Hashem, that the magefah (plague) may be withdrawn from HaAm.

22. And Aravnah said unto Dovid, Let adoni HaMelech take and offer up what seemeth tov unto him; see, here are oxen for the olah (burnt sacrifice), and threshing tools and other instruments of the bakar (oxen) for wood.