Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shmuel Bais 19:1-5 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And it was told Yoav, Hinei, HaMelech weepeth and mourneth for Avshalom.

2. [3] And the teshu'ah (salvation, deliverance) on that day was turned into evel (mourning) unto kol HaAm; for the people heard say that day how HaMelech was grieved for bno.

3. [4] And the people stole that day into the Ir [Machanayim] as people being ashamed steal in when they flee in milchamah.

4. [5] But HaMelech covered his face, and HaMelech cried with a kol gadol, O beni Avshalom, O Avshalom, beni, beni!

5. [6] And Yoav came into the bais to HaMelech, and said, Thou hast disgraced this day the faces of all thy avadim, which this day have saved thy nefesh, and the nefesh of thy banim and of thy banot, and the nefesh of thy nashim, and the nefesh of thy pilagshim (concubines);