Orthodox Jewish Bible

Shemot 34:1-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. And Hashem said unto Moshe, Chisel thee two Luchot Avanim like the first ones; and I will write upon these Luchot the divarim that were on the Luchot HaRishonim, which thou broke.

2. And be ready in the boker, and come up in the boker unto Mt.Sinai, and present thyself there to Me on the rosh HaHar.

3. And no ish shall come up with thee, neither let any ish be seen throughout kol HaHar; neither let the tzon nor herd graze in front of that Har.

4. And he chiseled two Luchot Avanim like the first ones; and Moshe rose up early in the boker, and went up unto Mt.Sinai, as Hashem had commanded him, and took in his yad the two Luchot Avanim.

5. And Hashem descended in the anan, and stood with him there, and called out the Shem of Hashem.

6. And Hashem passed by before him, and proclaimed, Hashem, Hashem El Rachum v'Channun, slow to anger, and abundant in chesed and emes,

7. Preserving chesed for thousands, forgiving avon and pesha and chatta'ah, and by no means leaving the guilty unpunished; visiting the avon of the avot upon the banim, and upon the bnei banim, unto the third and to the fourth generation.

8. And Moshe made haste, and bowed his head toward the ground, and worshiped.

9. And he said, If now I have found chen in Thy sight, Adonoi, let Adonoi, now, go among us; although it is an Am Kesheh Oref; and forgive avoneinu and chattateinu, and take us for Thine nachalah.

10. And He said, Hinei, I cut a brit; before all thy people I will do nifla'ot, such as have not been done in kol ha'aretz, nor in kol HaGoyim; and kol HaAm among which thou art shall see the ma'aseh Hashem; for it is a norah that I will do with thee.

11. Be thou shomer over that which I command thee this day; hinei, I drive out before thee the Emori, and the Kena'ani, and the Chitti, and the Perizzi, and the Chivi, and the Yevusi.

12. Be shomer over thyself, lest thou make a brit with the inhabitants of HaAretz whither thou goest, lest it be for a mokesh (snare) in the midst of thee;