Orthodox Jewish Bible

Philemon 1:6-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

6. [I pray] that your emunah (faith) being shared in Moshiach's kiruv rechokim (bringing near the far away ones) may become effective in the da'as of every mitzvah we may do for Moshiach.

7. For I had simcha gedolah (much joy) and chizzuk (encouragement) because of your ahavah, for the levavot of the Kadoshim have been refreshed through you, Ach b'Moshiach.

8. Therefore, though I have much boldness in Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach that I could in fact order you to do your chovah musarit (moral duty) of avodas hakodesh (holy service),

9. Yet I would rather make an appeal on the mekor (basis) of ahavah (agapé)-- I, [Rav] Sha'ul, the Zaken (Elder) but also a prisoner of Rebbe, Melech HaMoshiach Yehoshua.

10. I appeal to you concerning beni, having "fathered" him (to a new birth) while in bais hasohar (prison) --that is, Onesimus (T.N. the slave boy Onesimus' name means "Useful")

11. The one once "Useless" to you, but, now, both to you and to me "Useful" (Onesimus).

12. I am sending him who is my very lev (heart) back to you.