Orthodox Jewish Bible

Nechemyah 9:34-38 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

34. Neither have melacheinu, sareinu, Kohaneinu, nor Avoteinu, kept Thy torah, nor paid heed unto Thy mitzvot and Thy testimonies, wherewith Thou didst testify against them.

35. For they have not served Thee in their malchut, and in Thy great goodness that Thou gavest them, and in the large and fertile land which Thou gavest before them, neither turned they from their wicked works.

36. Hinei, we are avadim this day, and for the land that Thou gavest unto Avoteinu to eat the fruit thereof and the good thereof, hinei, we are avadim in it;

37. And it yieldeth much increase unto the melachim whom Thou hast set over us because of chattoteinu; also they have dominion over geviyyoteinu, and over our cattle, at their pleasure, and we are in tzarah gedolah.

38. (10:1) And because of all this we make a sure covenant, and write it; and our sarim, Levi'im, and Kohanim, seal unto it.