Orthodox Jewish Bible

Nechemyah 12:7-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

7. Sallu, Amok, Chilkiyah, Yedayah. These were the chief of the Kohanim and of their brethren in the days of Yeshua.

8. Moreover the Levi'im; Yeshua, Binnui, Kadmiel, Sherevyah, Yehudah, and Matanyah, which was over the huyedot, he and his brethren.

9. Also Bakbukyah and Unni, their brethren, were opposite them in the mishmarot (services).

10. And Yeshua fathered Yoyakim, Yoyakim also fathered Elyashiv, and Elyashiv fathered Yoyada,

11. And Yoyada fathered Yonatan, and Yonatan fathered Yaddua.

12. And in the days of Yoyakim these were Kohanim rashei haAvot; of Serayah, Merayah; of Yirmeyah, Chananyah;

13. Of Ezra, Meshullam; of Amaryah, Yehochanan;

14. Of Melichu, Yonatan; of Shevanyah, Yosef;

15. Of Charim, Adna; of Merayot, Chelkai;

16. Of Iddo, Zecharyah; of Ginton, Meshullam;

17. Of Achiyah, Zichri; of Minyamin, of Moadyah, Piltai;

18. Of Bilgah, Shammua; of Shemayah, Yehonatan;

19. And of Yoyariv, Matnai; of Yedayah, Uzzi;

20. Of Sallai, Kallai; of Amok, Ever;

21. Of Chilkiyah, Chashavyah; of Yedayah, Netanel.

22. The Levi'im in the days of Elyashiv, Yoyada, and Yochanan, and Yaddua, were recorded rashei haAvot; also the kohanim, to the reign of Daryavesh the Persian.

23. The Bnei Levi, the rashei haAvot, were written in the Sefer Divrei Hayamim, even until the days of Yochanan ben Elyashiv.