Orthodox Jewish Bible

Nechemyah 12:28-37 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

28. And Bnei HaMishorerim gathered themselves together, both out of the region around Yerushalayim, and from the villages of Netophati;

29. Also from the Bais Gilgal, and out of the fields of Geva and Azmavet; for the singers had built villages around Yerushalayim.

30. Kohanim and Levi'im made themselves tahor, and made the people tahor, the gates, and the chomah.

31. Then I brought up the sarim of Yehudah upon the chomah, and appointed two great choirs to give thanks, whereof one went on the right hand upon the wall toward the Dung Gate;

32. And after them went Hoshayah, and half of the sarim of Yehudah,

33. And Azaryah, Ezra, and Meshullam,

34. Yehudah, Binyamin, Shemayah, and Yirmeyah,

35. And certain of the banim of kohanim with trumpets; namely Zecharyah ben Yonatan ben Shemayah ben Matanyah ben Michayah ben Zaccur ben Asaph;

36. And his brethren, Shemayah, and Azarael, Milalai, Gilalai, Ma'ai, Netanel, and Yehudah, Chanani, with the musical instruments of Dovid the Ish HaElohim, and Ezra the Sofer before them.

37. And at the Fountain Gate they went up by the steps of Ir Dovid, at the going up of the wall, above the Bais Dovid, even the Water Gate eastward.