Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 6:11-20 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. So shall thy poverty come as a prowler, and thy need as an ish mogen (man of armor).

12. A worthless person, a wicked man, walketh with a perverse peh (mouth).

13. He winketh with his eyes, he shuffleth with his regel, he pointeth with his fingers;

14. Tahpukhot (perversity) is in his lev, he deviseth rah continually; he stirs up midanim (contention, strife, discord [pl.]).

15. Therefore shall his calamity come suddenly; suddenly shall he be destoyed without marpeh (remedy).

16. These shesh (six) things doth Hashem hate; indeed, shevah (seven) are an abomination unto His Nefesh;

17. Haughty eyes, a lashon sheker, and hands guilty of shefach dahm naki,

18. A lev that deviseth wicked machshevot (plans), raglayim that are swift in running to ra'ah,

19. An ed sheker that speaketh lies, and he that soweth midanim (contention, strife, discords) among achim.

20. Beni (my son), keep the mitzvat Avicha, and forsake not the torat Immecha;