Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 6:1-6 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Beni (my son), if thou put up collateral for thy re'a, if thou hast shaken hands in pledge with a zar (stranger),

2. Thou art snared with the words of thy peh (mouth), thou art trapped with the words of thy peh (mouth).

3. Do this now, beni (my son), and deliver thyself, since thou art come into the palm of thy re'a; go, humble thyself, and plead with thy re'a.

4. Give not sheynah to thine eyes, nor slumber to thine eyelids.

5. Deliver thyself as a gazelle from the yad [of the hunter], and as a tzippor (bird) from the yad of the fowler.

6. Go to the nemalah (ant), thou atzel (sluggard, lazy one); consider her drakhim (ways), and be chacham (wise);