Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 4:1-14 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Hear, ye banim, the musar (instruction, discipline) of an av, and attend to know binah (understanding).

2. For I give you lekach tov (good doctrine, good instruction), forsake ye not my torah.

3. For I was ben to avi, tender and yachid (an only child) before immi.

4. He taught me also, and said unto me, Let thine lev retain my words; be shomer over my mitzvot, and live.

5. Acquire chochmah, acquire binah (understanding); forget it not; neither turn from the words of my peh (mouth).

6. Forsake her not, and she shall be shomer over thee; love her, and she shall protect thee.

7. Chochmah is the principal thing; therefore get chochmah, and with all thy getting get binah (understanding).

8. Exalt her, and she shall promote thee; she shall honor thee with kavod, when thou dost embrace her.

9. She shall give to thine head a garland of chen; an ateret (crown) of tiferet (glory) shall she present to thee.

10. Hear, O beni (my son), and receive my sayings; and thy shnot chayyim shall be many.

11. I have taught thee in the derech chochmah; I have led thee in ma'aglei yosher (right paths).

12. When thou goest, thy steps shall not be hindered; and when thou runnest, lo tikashel (thou shalt not stumble).

13. Take firm hold of musar; let her not go; guard her; for she is thy chayyim.

14. Enter not into the orach resha'im, and go not on the derech ra'im (road of the wicked).