Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 31:27-31 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

27. She watcheth well over the halichot (goings, ways) of her bais (household), and eateth not the lechem atzlut (bread of idleness).

28. Her banim rise up, and call her blessed; her ba'al (husband) also, and he praiseth her.

29. Rabbot banot have done virtuously, but thou excellest them all.

30. Chen (charm) is sheker (deceitful), and yofi (beauty) is fleeting; but an isha Yirat Hashem (a G-d fearing wife), she shall be praised.

31. Give her of the p'ri (fruit) of her yadayim; and let her own ma'asim praise her in the she'arim.