Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 30:13-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

13. There is a dor (generation), O how haughty in loftiness are their eynayim! And their eyelids are proudly lifted up.

14. There is a dor (generation), whose teeth are as charavot (swords), and their jaw teeth are as knives, to devour the aniyim (oppressed poor ones) from off ha'aretz, and the evyonim (needy ones) from among adam.

15. The leech hath two banot: Give! Give! There are shalosh (three) that are never satisfied, indeed, four things never say, Enough!

16. Sheol, and the barren womb; eretz that is never satisfied with mayim; and eish that saith not, Enough!

17. The ayin (eye) that mocketh at av, and scorneth to obey em, the ravens of the valley shall peck it out, and the bnei nesher shall eat it.

18. There are shalosh which are too wonderful for me, indeed, four which I understand not;

19. The derech hanesher (way of the eagle) in the sky; the derech nachash upon a tzur (rock); the derech oniyah (way of a sailing vessel) in the midst of the yam (sea); and the derech gever (way of a man) with an almah (unmarried young virgin; see Gn 24:43,16,63-65.

20. Such is the derech isha mena'efet (way of an adulterous woman): she eateth, and wipeth her peh (mouth), and saith, I have done no wrong.

21. For shalosh the eretz is disquieted, and for four which it cannot bear:

22. For an eved (slave) when he reigneth; and a naval (fool) when he is full with lechem;

23. For an unloved woman when she is married; and a shifchah that displaces her gevirah (lady, mistress).

24. There are four things which are little upon eretz, but they are exceeding chachamim:

25. The nemalim (ants) are an am (people) not strong, yet they store up their lechem in the kayitz (summer);

26. The badgers are but a feeble folk, yet they make their bais in the rocks;

27. The arbeh (locusts) have no melech, yet they go forth all of them in ranks;