Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 3:1-13 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. Beni (my son), forget not my torah; but let thine lev keep my mitzvot;

2. For orekh yamim (length of days), and shnot chayyim, and shalom, shall they add to thee.

3. Let not chesed and emes forsake thee; bind them about thy neck; write them upon the luach (tablet) of thine lev;

4. So shalt thou find chen and seichel tov in the eyes of Elohim and adam.

5. Trust in Hashem with all thine lev, and lean not unto thine own binah (understanding).

6. In all thy drakhim acknowledge Him, and He shall make yosher thy orkhot (paths).

7. Be not chacham in thine own eyes; fear Hashem, and depart from rah.

8. It shall be rife'ut (health) to thy navel, and marrow to thy atzmot.

9. Honor Hashem with thy substance, and with the reshit (firstfruit) of all thine increase;

10. So shall thy barns be filled with plenty, and thy vats shall burst out with tirosh.

11. Beni (my son), despise not the musar Hashem; neither be weary of His tokhakhah (reproof);

12. For whom Hashem loveth, He correcteth; even as an av the ben in whom he delighteth.

13. Ashrei (happy) is the man that findeth chochmah, and the man that getteth tevunah (understanding).