Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 28:2-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. For the peysha eretz (land in rebellion) many are the sarim (rulers) thereof, but by an adam meiven yodei'a (a man of wisdom and knowledge) shall be lasting order.

3. A gever rahsh (poor man) that oppresseth the dalim (poor ones) is like a sweeping matar (rain) which leaveth no lechem (food, crop).

4. They that forsake the torah praise the rasha, but such as be shomer over the torah contend against them.

5. Anshei rah understand not mishpat, but they that seek Hashem understand all things.

6. Better is the rahsh (poor) that walketh in his integrity, than he that is perverse in his drakhim (ways), though he be rich.

7. He who keepeth torah is a ben meiven, but he that is a companion of zolelim (gluttons) shameth aviv.

8. He that by neshekh (interest) and increase increaseth his substance, he shall gather it for him that will pity the dalim (poor ones).

9. He that turneth away his ozen from mishmo'a torah (heeding torah), even his tefillah (prayer) shall be to'evah (abomination).

10. He who causeth the yesharim (upright ones) to go astray in a derech rah, he shall fall himself into his own trap, but the blameless ones shall inherit tov.

11. The ish oisher is chacham in his own eyes, but the dal meiven (poor man with understanding) searcheth him out.