Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 28:12-27 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

12. When tzaddikim do triumph, there is rabbah tiferet (great glory), but when the resha'im rise, the people go into hiding.

13. He that covereth his peysha'im (sins) shall not prosper, but he who confesseth and forsaketh them shall find mercy.

14. Ashrei adam that is reverent always, but he that hardeneth his lev shall fall into ra'ah.

15. As a roaring ari, and a charging dov (bear), so is a wicked moshel (ruler) over the am dal (poor people).

16. The nagid (ruler) lacking tevunot (understanding) is also a great oppressor, but he that hateth betza (ill-gotten gain) shall prolong his yamim (days).

17. If an adam is burdened with dahm (blood, murder) of any nefesh, let him be a fugitive ad bor (till the pit, death); let no ish help him.

18. He who walketh tamim (blamelessly) shall be saved, but he that is perverse in his drakhim shall fall suddenly.

19. He that tilleth his adamah shall have plenty of lechem, but he that chaseth after empty things shall have poverty enough.

20. An ish emunot (faithful man, loyal man) shall abound with birkhot, but he that maketh haste to be rich shall not go unpunished.

21. To show partiality is not tov; for a piece of lechem that gever will transgress.

22. He that hasteth to be rich hath a rah ayin, and considereth not that want shall come upon him.

23. He that rebuketh an adam afterwards shall find more chen (favor) than he that flattereth with the lashon.

24. He who robbeth aviv or immo, and saith, It is no peysha (transgression), the same is the chaver (fellow, companion) of an ish mashchit (man of destruction).

25. The covetous stirreth up strife, but he that putteth his trust in Hashem shall be prospered.

26. He that trusteth in his own lev is a kesil (fool), but he who walketh in chochmah, he shall be delivered.

27. He that giveth unto the rahsh (poor) shall not lack, but he that hideth his eynayim meeteth many curses.