Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 23:17-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. Let not thine lev envy chatta'im, but be thou in the Yirat Hashem kol hayom.

18. For surely there is an acharit (latter end, future), and thine tikvah shall not be cut off.

19. Hear thou, beni (my son), and be chacham, and guide thine lev straight on the derech.

20. Be not among yayin gluttons; among gluttonous eaters of basar,

21. For the drunkard and the zolel (glutton) shall come to poverty, and drowsiness shall clothe with rags.

22. Pay heed unto avicha that fathered thee, and despise not immecha when she is old.

23. Buy emes, and sell it not; also chochmah, and musar, and binah (understanding).

24. Avi tzaddik (the father of a righteous one) shall greatly rejoice, and he that fathereth a chacham shall have simchah in him.

25. Avicha and immecha shall be glad, and she that bore thee shall rejoice.