Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 23:11-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. For their Go'el is chazak (strong); He shall plead their cause against thee.

12. Apply thine lev unto musar, and thine oznayim to the words of da'as.

13. Withhold not musar (correction) from the na'ar (child), for if thou spank him with the shevet, he shall not die.

14. Thou shalt spank him with the shevet, and shalt save his nefesh from Sheol.

15. Beni (my son), if thine lev be chacham, my own lev shall have simchah.

16. Indeed, my inmost being shall rejoice, when thy sfatayim (lips) speak meisharim (upright things).

17. Let not thine lev envy chatta'im, but be thou in the Yirat Hashem kol hayom.

18. For surely there is an acharit (latter end, future), and thine tikvah shall not be cut off.

19. Hear thou, beni (my son), and be chacham, and guide thine lev straight on the derech.