Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 22:5-12 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. Thorns and pachim (snares) are in the derech of the crooked; he that is shomer over his nefesh shall be far from them.

6. Train up a na'ar in the derech (road) he should go, and when he is old, he will not depart from it.

7. The oisher ruleth over the rahshim (paupers), and the loveh (borrower, debtor) is eved (slave) to the ish malveh (lender).

8. He that soweth iniquity shall reap aven (iniquity), and the shevet (rod) of his wrath shall disappear.

9. He that hath a tov ayin (generous eye) shall have a bracha; for he giveth of his lechem to the dal (poor).

10. Cast out the scoffer, and contention shall leave; indeed, strife and kalon (shame) shall cease.

11. He that loveth tahor lev (a pure heart), for the chen (grace) on his sfatayim (lips) the Melech shall be his re'a (friend).

12. The eynayim of Hashem preserve da'as, and He overthroweth the devarim of the boged (unfaithful, treacherous, traitor).