Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 20:1-9 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The yayin is a mocker, strong drink a brawler; and whosoever is seduced to be led astray thereby is not wise.

2. The wrath of a melech is as the roaring of a lion; he who provoketh him to anger sinneth against his own nefesh.

3. It is kavod for an ish to cease from strife, but any fool can start a quarrel.

4. The atzel (sluggard, lazy one) will not plow by reason of choref (winter, cold); therefore shall he beg at katzir (harvest), and have nothing.

5. Etzah (purpose; see Yn 2:24-25 ) in the lev ish is like deep mayim, but an ish tevunah will draw it out.

6. Rav adam will proclaim every one his own chesed, but an ish emunim (faithful man, loyal man) who can find one?

7. The tzaddik walketh in his tohm (integrity, guilelessness); his banim after him are blessed.

8. A melech that sitteth in the kisse din (throne of judgment) winnows out all rah with his eynayim.

9. Who can say, I have made my lev pure, I am tahor from my chattat?