Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 2:11-16 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

11. Mezimah (discretion) shall be shomer over thee, tevunah (understanding) shall safeguard thee;

12. To save thee from the derech rah, from the ish medaber tahpukhot (man speaking perverse things);

13. Who leaving the orkhot yosher (paths of uprightness), walk in the drakhei choshech (ways of darkness);

14. Who rejoice to do rah, and delight in the tahpukhot (perverse things) of rah (evil);

15. Whose orkhot (paths) are crooked ones, and they are devious in their ma'agalot (paths);

16. To save thee from the isha zarah (strange woman), even from the nokhriyah (strange [immoral] woman) which useth smooth words;