Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 17:24-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

24. Chochmah is before the meiven (discerning one); but the eynayim of a kesil are on the ends of ha'aretz.

25. A ben kesil is a ka'as (grief) to aviv (his father), and bitterness to her that bore him.

26. Also to punish the tzaddik is not tov, nor to flog officials for their yashar (uprightness, integrity).

27. He that hath da'as spareth his words, and an ish tevunah (man of understanding) is of a calm ruach.

28. Even a fool, when he holdeth his peace, is counted chacham, and he that shutteth his sfatayim (lips) is esteemed a man of understanding.