Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 16:1-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. The plans of the lev belong to adam, and the answer of the lashon is from Hashem.

2. All the drakhei ish are pure in his own eynayim, but Hashem weigheth the ruchot.

3. Commit thy ma'asim (works) unto Hashem, and thy plans shall be established.

4. Hashem works out all things for Himself, indeed, even the rasha (wicked) for the Yom Ra'ah (day of evil).

5. Every one that is proud in lev is to'evat Hashem; though yad join in yad, he shall not go unpunished.

6. By chesed and emes avon is purged, and by the Yirat Hashem men depart from rah.

7. When drakhei ish please Hashem, He maketh even his oyevim to be in shalom with him.

8. Better is a little with tzedakah than great revenues without mishpat (justice).