Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 14:2-8 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

2. He that walketh in his yashar feareth Hashem, but he that is devious in his drakhim despiseth Him.

3. In the peh (mouth) of the fool is a rod of ga'avah (pride), but the sfatayim (lips) of the chachamim shall be shomer over them and preserve them.

4. Where no oxen are, the evus (feeding trough) is clean, but much increase is by the ko'ach of the shor (ox).

5. An ed emunim will not lie, but an ed sheker will utter lies.

6. A scoffer seeketh chochmah, and findeth it not, but da'as cometh easily unto him that is discerning.

7. Go from the presence of an ish kesil, when thou perceivest not in him the sfatayim (lips) of da'as (knowledge).

8. The chochmah of the prudent is to understand his derech, but the folly of kesilim is mirmah (deceit).