Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 14:19-30 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

19. The ra'im will bow before the tov'im, and the resha'im at the she'arim of the tzaddik.

20. The poor is hated even by his own re'a (neighbor), but the oisher hath many friends.

21. He that despiseth his re'a sinneth, but he that is kind to the anayim (needy ones), happy is he.

22. Do they not go astray that plot rah? But chesed and emes shall be to them that plan tov.

23. In all hard work there is profit, but idle chatter of the sfatayim (lips) tendeth only to makhsor (poverty, want).

24. The ateret chachamim is their riches, but the foolishness of kesilim is folly.

25. An ed emes (true witness) saveth nefashot (souls, lives), but a lying witness is a betrayer.

26. In the Yirat Hashem is strong confidence, and his banim shall have a place of refuge.

27. The Yirat Hashem is a makor chayyim (fountain of life) to turn one away from the snares of mavet.

28. In the multitude of people is the glory of a melech, but in the lack of subjects is the ruin of the prince.

29. He that is slow to wrath is of rav tevunah (great understanding), but he that is angrily impulsive exalteth folly.

30. A lev marpeh (sound mind) is life to the basar, but kinah (envy) is the rottenness of the atzmot (bones).