Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 14:17-22 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. He that is quicktempered dealeth folly, and an ish mezimot (a man of crafty schemes) is hated.

18. The naive inherit folly, but the prudent are crowned with da'as.

19. The ra'im will bow before the tov'im, and the resha'im at the she'arim of the tzaddik.

20. The poor is hated even by his own re'a (neighbor), but the oisher hath many friends.

21. He that despiseth his re'a sinneth, but he that is kind to the anayim (needy ones), happy is he.

22. Do they not go astray that plot rah? But chesed and emes shall be to them that plan tov.