Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 13:4-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

4. The nefesh of the atzel (sluggard, lazy one) desireth, and hath nothing, but the nefesh of the kharutzim (diligent ones) shall have ample provision.

5. A tzaddik hateth sheker, but a wicked man is shamefully loathsome, and bringeth disgrace.

6. Tzedakah is guard over him whose derech is blameless, but wickedness overthroweth the chattat (sinner).

7. There is one who maketh himself out to be rich, yet hath nothing; there is one that maketh himself out to be poor, yet hath hon rav (great wealth).

8. The riches of an ish is kofer (ransom) for his nefesh (life), but the poor heareth no threat.

9. The ohr (light) of the tzaddik rejoiceth, but the ner (lamp) of the resha'im (wicked) shall be put out.

10. By zadon (pride) cometh only contention, but with the teachable is chochmah.

11. Hon (wealth) gotten by dishonesty shall be diminished, but he that gathereth incrementally shall have an increment.

12. Hope deferred maketh the lev sick, but when the ta'avah (desire) cometh, it is an Etz Chayyim (Tree of Life).

13. He who despiseth the davar shall be destroyed, but he that feareth the mitzvah shall be rewarded.

14. The torat chacham (teaching of the wise) is a makor chayyim (fountain of life), to turn one away from the snares of mavet.

15. Seichel tov giveth favor, but the derech bogedim (way of traitors) is hard.

16. Every prudent man acts with da'as, but a kesil (fool) displays his folly.

17. A malach rasha falleth into rah (trouble), but a tzir emunim (trustworthy envoy) is marpeh (healing).