Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 13:15-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. Seichel tov giveth favor, but the derech bogedim (way of traitors) is hard.

16. Every prudent man acts with da'as, but a kesil (fool) displays his folly.

17. A malach rasha falleth into rah (trouble), but a tzir emunim (trustworthy envoy) is marpeh (healing).

18. Poverty and shame shall be to him that disdains musar, but he that is shomer over tokhakhat (reproof) shall be honored.

19. The ta'avah (desire, longing) fulfilled is sweet to the nefesh, but it is to'evat kesilim (the abomination of fools) to depart from rah.

20. He that walketh with chachamim shall be wise, but a companion of kesilim (fools) shall come to harm.

21. Ra'ah (disaster) pursueth chatta'im (sinners), but tov is the reward of the tzaddikim.

22. A tov (good man) leaveth an inheritance to his bnei banim, and the wealth of the choteh (sinner) is laid up for the tzaddik.

23. Rav ochel (much food) is in the untilled ground of the poor, but for want of mishpat (justice) it is swept away.

24. He that spareth his shevet (rod) hateth bno (his son), but he that loveth him is diligent in his musar (discipline).

25. The tzaddik (righteous) eateth to the satisfying of his nefesh (soul), but the beten (stomach) of the resha'im shall want.