Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 12:15-25 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

15. The derech of a fool is yashar (right) in his own eynayim, but he that payeth heed unto etzah is chacham (wise).

16. A fool's wrath is known immediately, but a prudent man covereth kalon (shame, disgrace, shameful nakedness).

17. He that speaketh emunah declareth tzedek, but an ed shekarim, mirmah.

18. There is one who speaketh rash words like the wounding of a cherev, but the lashon of the chachamim promotes marpeh (healing).

19. The lip of emes shall be established forever, but a lashon sheker is but for a moment.

20. Mirmah (deceit) is in the lev of them that plot rah, but to the counsellors of shalom is simchah.

21. There shall no harm befall the tzaddik, but the resha'im shall be filled with rah.

22. Sfatayim (lips) of sheker are to'evah to Hashem, but they that deal emunah (faithfully, truthfully) are His delight.

23. A prudent man concealeth da'as, but the lev kesilim (mind of fools) preaches folly.

24. The yad of the kharutzim (diligent ones) shall rule, but the remiyyah (deceitfully lazy man) shall be put to forced labor.

25. Anxiety in the lev ish causeth depression, but a davar tov cheers it up.