Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 12:1-4 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. He who loveth musar loveth da'as, but he that hateth tokhakhat (reproof, correction) is ba'ar (a boorish, ignorant person).

2. A tov (good man) obtaineth ratzon (favor) from Hashem, but an ish mezimor (a man of crafty devices) will He condemn.

3. An adam shall not be made secure by resha, but the shoresh tzaddikim (root of the righteous ones) shall not be moved. [T.N. Cf 12:4 and 31:10.]

4. An aishes chayil (a woman of valor, an excellent wife) is an ateret to her ba'al, but she that bringeth shame is like rottenness in his atzmot.