Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 11:17-24 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

17. The ish chesed (merciful man) doeth good to his own nefesh, but he that is cruel harmeth his own self.

18. The reshah worketh a wage of sheker, but to him that soweth tzedakah (righteousness) shall be a sachar emes (sure reward).

19. As tzedakah (righteousness) leadeth to Chayyim, so he that pursueth ra'ah pursueth it to his own mot (death).

20. They that are of a perverse lev are an abomination to Hashem, but such as are upright in their derech are His delight.

21. Though yad join in yad, the rah shall not go unpunished, but the zera of the tzaddikim shall be delivered.

22. As a ring of zahav in the snout of a chazir, so is an isha yafah which is without ta'am (judgment, discretion).

23. The ta'avat tzaddikim is only tov, but the tikveh of the resha'im is wrath.

24. There is that which scattereth, and yet increaseth more; and there is that which withholdeth more than is yosher, but it leadeth to machsor (want, need, poverty).