Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 11:1-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

1. A balance of mirmah (dishonesty, deception) is abomination to Hashem, but an even shelemah (perfect stone, just weight) is His ratzon.

2. When zadon (pride) cometh, then cometh kalon (shame, disgrace), but with the humble is chochmah.

3. The integrity of the yesharim (upright ones) shall guide them, but the deceit of the bogedim (treacherous ones) shall destroy them.

4. Hon (riches) profit not in the yom evrah (day of wrath), but tzedakah (righteousness) delivereth from mavet.

5. The tzidkat tamim (righteousness of the blameless) shall make his derech straight, but the rasha shall fall by his own evil.

6. The tzidkat yesharim shall deliver them, but bogedim (treacherous ones) shall be caught in their own evil desire.

7. At the mot adam rasha, his tikveh shall perish, and the expectation of his [surviving] strong ones perisheth.

8. The tzaddik is delivered out of tzoros, but the rashah cometh on to take his place.

9. A chanef (hypocrite, man without G-d) with his peh (mouth) destroyeth his re'a, but through da'as (knowledge) shall the tzaddikim be delivered.

10. When it goeth well with the tzaddikim, the city rejoiceth, and when the resha'im perish, there is rinnah (joyful shouting).

11. By the birkat yesharim the city is exalted, but it is overthrown by the peh (mouth) of the resha'im.