Orthodox Jewish Bible

Mishle 10:3-19 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

3. Hashem will not suffer the nefesh of the tzaddik to famish, but He thwarteth the craving of the resha'im.

4. He becometh poor that dealeth with a negligent palm, but the yad of the diligent maketh wealth.

5. He that gathereth in kayitz is a ben maskil (son of wisdom), but he that sleepeth in katzir (harvest) is a ben that causeth shame.

6. Brakhot are upon the head of the tzaddik, but chamas covereth the peh (mouth) of the resha'im.

7. The memory of the tzaddik is as bracha, but the shem resha'im shall rot.

8. The chacham lev will receive mitzvot, but one with foolish sfatayim (lips) shall be thrust down.

9. He that walketh uprightly walketh securely, but he that perverteth his drakhim shall be known.

10. He that winketh with the ayin causeth trouble, but one with foolish sfatayim shall come to ruin.

11. The peh (mouth) of a tzaddik is a Makor Chayyim, but chamas covereth the peh (mouth) of the resha'im.

12. Sin'ah (hatred) stirreth up medanim (dissensions), but ahavah covereth all peysha'im.

13. In the sfatayim (lips) of him that hath understanding chochmah is found, but a shevet (rod) is for the back of him that is devoid of lev [understanding].

14. Chachamim treasure up da'as (knowledge); but the peh (mouth) of the foolish is near destruction.

15. The oisher's wealth is his strong city; the destruction of the poor ones is their poverty.

16. The wage of the tzaddik leadeth to Chayyim; the wage of the rashah is for chattat [Ro 6:23].

17. He is in the orach (path) of Chayyim that is shomer over musar, but he that abandoneth tokhakhat (reproof) goes astray.

18. He that hideth sin'ah with sfatayim sheker, and he that uttereth a slander, is a kesil (fool).

19. In the multitude of devarim there wanteth not sin, but he that restraineth his sfatayim (lips) is maskil (wise).