Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Bais 9:16-28 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. So Yehu rode in a merkavah, and went to Yizre'el; for Yoram lay there. And Achazyahu Melech Yehudah was come down to see Yoram.

17. And there stood a tzofeh (sentinel) on the migdal in Yizre'el, and he saw the company of Yehu as he approached, and said, I see a company. Yoram said, Take a horseman, send to meet them, and let him say, Is it shalom?

18. So there went a rider on the sus to meet him, and said, Thus saith HaMelech, Is it shalom? And Yehu said, What hast thou to do with shalom? Fall in behind me. And the tzofeh told, saying, The malach reached them, but he cometh not back.

19. Then he sent out a second on sus, which came to them, and said, Thus saith HaMelech, Is it shalom? And Yehu answered, What hast thou to do with shalom? Fall in behind me.

20. And the tzofeh reported, saying, He reached them, and cometh not back: and the driving is like the driving of Yehu Ben Nimshi; for he driveth beshiga'on (like a meshuga, recklessly).

21. And Yehoram said, Harnasses ready! And his merkavah was harnessed. And Yehoram Melech Yisroel and Achazyahu Melech Yehudah went out, each in his merkavah, and they went out against Yehu, and met him in the chelek of Navot HaYizre'eli.

22. And it came to pass, when Yehoram saw Yehu, that he said, Is it shalom, Yehu? And he answered, What shalom, so long as the zenunei immecha Izevel (harlotries of your mother Jezebel) and her kheshafim (witchcrafts) are so many?

23. And Yehoram turned his hands, and fled, and said to Achazyahu, Mirmah (deceit, treachery!), O Achazyahu.

24. And Yehu drew his keshet, and struck Yehoram between the shoulders, and the khetz (arrow) went out at his lev, and he sunk down in his merkavah.

25. Then said Yehu to Bidkar his shalishoh, Take [him] up, and cast him in the chelek of the sadeh of Navot HaYizre'eli; for remember how that, when I and thou rode together after Ach'av Aviv, Hashem laid this massa (prophetic burden) upon him;

26. Surely I have seen yesterday the dahm of Navot, and the dahm of his banim, saith Hashem; and I will requite thee in this chelek, saith Hashem. Now therefore take and cast him into the chelek, according to the Devar Hashem.

27. But when Achazyahu Melech Yehudah saw this, he fled by the derech (way) Bais HaGan. And Yehu pursued after him, and shouted, Strike him down also in the merkavah. And they did so on the way up to Gur, which is by Yivle'am. And he escaped to Megiddo, and died there.

28. And his avadim carried him in a merkavah to Yerushalayim and buried him in his kever with his avot in Ir Dovid.