Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Bais 7:5-11 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

5. And they rose up at neshef (twilight, dusk) to go unto the Machaneh Aram; and when they were come to the edge of the Machaneh Aram, hinei, there was no ish there.

6. For Adonoi had made the Machaneh Aram to hear a noise of chariots and a noise of susim, even the noise of a chayil gadol (a great army); and they said one to another, Hinei, the Melech Yisroel hath hired against us the Melachim of the Chittim, and the Melachim of the Mitzrayim, to come upon us.

7. Therefore they arose and fled in the neshef (twilight), and left their ohalim, and their susim, and their chamorim, even the Machaneh just as it was, and fled for their nefesh.

8. And when these metzora'im came to the edge of the Machaneh, they went into one ohel, and did eat and drink, and carried from there kesef, and zahav, and begadim, and went off and hid it; and came back, and entered into another ohel, and carried from there also, and went and hid it.

9. Then they said one to another, We do not right; this day is a Yom Besorah, and we hold our peace; if we tarry till ohr haboker, some avon (punishment for being sinful) will overtake us; now therefore come, that we may go and tell the Bais HaMelech.

10. So they came and called unto the Sho'er HaIr (Gatekeeper of the City); and they told them, saying, We came to the Machaneh Aram, and, hinei, there was no ish there, neither voice of adam, but susim tied, and chamor tied, and the ohalim just as they were.

11. And he called the sho'arim (gatekeepers); and they told it to the Bais HaMelech within.