Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Bais 4:16-23 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

16. And he said, About this mo'ed, according to the et chayyah (Gen. 18:10), thou choveket ben (shalt embrace a son). And she said, No, adoni, thou Ish HaElohim, do not give false hope unto thine shifchah.

17. And the isha conceived, and bore ben at that mo'ed that Elishah had said unto her, according to the et chayyah.

18. The yeled grew, and it happened one day, that he went out to Aviv to the kotzerim (harvesters, reapers).

19. And he said unto Aviv, My rosh, my rosh. And he said to the na'ar, Carry him to immo.

20. And when he had lifted him, and brought him to immo, he sat on her birkayim (knees) till tzohorayim, and then died.

21. And she went up, and laid him on the mittat Ish HaElohim, and shut [the door] behind her and went out.

22. And she called unto her ish, and said, Send me now, please, one of the ne'arim, and one of the donkeys, that I may run to the Ish HaElohim, and return.

23. And he said, Madu'a (why) wilt thou go to him today? It is neither Rosh Chodesh, nor Shabbos. And she said, Shalom.