Orthodox Jewish Bible

Melachim Bais 24:14-17 Orthodox Jewish Bible (OJB)

14. And he carried away into the Golus all Yerushalayim, and all the sarim, and all the gibborei hachayil, even ten thousand Golus captives, and all the charash and masger (smiths, artisans); none remained, except the dalat am ha'aretz (poor people of the land).

15. And he carried away Y'hoyakhin to Bavel, and the Em HaMelech, and the nashim of HaMelech, and his sarisim, and the leading men of HaAretz, those he carried into the Golus from Yerushalayim to Babylon.

16. And all the anshei hachayil, even shivat alafim, and a thousand charash and masger, all that were gibborim for making milchamah, even them Melech Bavel took into the Golus to Babylon.

17. And Melech Bavel made Matanyah dodo (his [Y'hoyakhin's] uncle) Melech in his place, and changed shmo to Tzidkiyahu (Zedekiah).